
What inspired me to create my blog? The use of words to captivate a reader to envision a world you created through writing has always intrigued me.  I have also had a real thirst for knowledge on a grand scheme of topics which involves just about everything. From fashion, cooking, home décor, family life, gardening…..life is meant to be captured, not simply through a lens, but through the art of writing. With the encouragement from my closest family and friends,  I started my blog, which has become a true passion of mine!

My goal is to inspire readers to dream big, reach for the stars and create a life they love one goal at a time. I will be sharing with you snippets of my life, exploration of our small town and random tips on how to make a hectic life a little easier! 

Xo, Carla

 Ps: And yes, I love to change my hair color quite frequently! lol!  :)

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